
Boy or Girl? - Western Old Wives Tales of guessing 宝宝's gender

It's fun to know different culture with different thinking

※If the 宝宝's heartbeat is high it will be a girl, and if it is low it will be a boy

※If Dad is more nervous, a daughter is on the way If he's more relaxed, it's a boy

※If Dad is getting lots of household projects done, a boy is coming If Dad isn't doing more projects, it's a girl

※If Dad gains weight with Mom, it's a boy If he stays the same weight-wise, it's a girl

※If the mom's left breast is bigger than the right breast during pregnancy, she's having a girl; if the right breast is bigger, she's having a boy If they're the same size, it could be anything

※Have the mother-to-be pick up a single key If she picks it up by the round part it will be a boy If she picks up the long narrow part it will be a girl If she picks it up in the mi弟弟le she is supposedly having twins

※The sex is determined by the previous child's first word If s/he says mama first, it will be a girl and if s/he says dada first it will be a boy

※The sex is determined by taking the mother's age at conception, and the year of conception If both are even or both are o弟弟it's a girl If one is even and one o弟弟 it's a boy

※Whoever is more aggressive at the time of conception, the child will be the opposite of that sex

※When a woman is pregnant with a girl she will be crabby (to put it nicely) because all women are crabs and if you have one inside you are twice so If you are pregnant with a boy you are happy and smiling because you have a little peter inside you for 9 months

※If your hands start to get dry and chapped, it will be a boy; but if your hands are softer now, it will be a girl You eat more if you are pregnant with a boy You are more nauseated with a girl If you are sick more and moody, it is a girl

※"I can't tell you're pregnant from the back so it must be a boy; with a girl you'd be pregnant all over!", "You are carrying low; it's a boy, girls are carried high", "If you crave sweet foods, it will be a girl It's a boy if you crave salty foods"

最后编辑于:2022/11/04作者: 石家庄供卵试管


  • 呵呵 帮大家翻一下




    *爸爸很紧张 是女生


    *怀孕期间爸爸跟妈妈一起变胖,是男生 爸爸体重没有什么改变,是女生


    *让準妈妈捡起一支钥匙如果她从钥匙的头捡起(圆的部分),那是男生 如果是钥身的部分(尖的部分),那是女生 如果从中间捡起来,那可能是双胞胎

    *如果你的上个小孩学说话的第一句话是叫妈,那你这胎是女生 反之则是男生


    *怀女生的妈妈比较容易抓狂,因为女生本来就容易抓狂 现在她身上有两个女生 怀男生心情会很快乐 因为妳有一个"小弟弟""在身体"里九个月



    (原作者于 2006-10-26 09:40:03 重新编辑过)

  • 真有趣耶





  • 哈哈真有趣ㄟ!

  • 谢谢Anges妈妈的翻译。



  • 还好有Anges妈妈






  • 我觉得不準耶 我跟我的朋友都怀男生, 心跳都偏高耶其他写的项目看起来也不準

  • 参考一下无防



  • 有些跟台湾很像耶,例如肚子尖尖生男生



  • *肚里宝贝的心跳快,是女生,







  • 我觉得挺準的我怀的是男生

  • 谢妈妈分享


  • Agnes

    Thanks for your 翻译

    My PC just died I am using my hubby's which doesn't come with any Chinese typing program

  • ※The sex is determined by taking the mother's age at conception, and the year of conception If both are even or both are o弟弟it's a girl If one is even and one o弟弟 it's a boy

    依妈妈怀孕时的年龄跟怀孕于哪一年年来判断, 如果两个都是偶数或基数, 是女生 如果为一个偶数和一个基数, 是男生

    我是以西洋的年龄和西元年来算, 是一个偶数和一个基数耶



  • To: Mo妹妹y fruit63:

    Thank you for sharing this with all

    It's so funny! XD